Board Information and Needs

Fishermen Youth Soccer and Cape Ann United is a NON-Profit Organization that is volunteer run.  Our continued success and our ability to sustain our program relies on your willingness to pitch in.  Please consider volunteering to help with the many tasks related to our league. 

Our board meets at 7pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Cape Ann Savings Community Room on Main st. in Gloucester.  All are welcome to attend and we can find a way to put your skills to excellent use for our league!

We are currently looking for some eager individuals to help with the following positions:

  • Grade level group directors 
      • 2 Positions open for each age group (PK, GK, G2)
  • Website master
  • Equipment manager
  • Field Maintenance

For more info email

Meet our Board of Directors

We have an incredible team who works hard behind the scenes to ensure our program runs as successfully as possible.  Should you have any questions, please contact them directly.

Judy Fleck - FYS President,

Brad Frithsen - Town Director,

Enzo DiMaio - Registrar,

Diane Horne - Treasurer,

Allison Smith - Secretary,

Ian Allison - Risk Manager,

Lindsay Hale - Sponsors Director,

Ashley McNelly & Shawna Medina - Directors of Soccer Development,

Billy Silvestri - Director of Soccer Development - Boys,

Christie Strople - Communications Director,

Hugh Cauthers - Scholarships Director,

Dean Sidell - Board Member,

Joel Favazza - Board Member,